Alexa Toolbar or Status Bar?
It’s worth noting that the popular Alexa Toolbar has a minimalist product called the Alexa Status bar. It basically does the same thing as the Toolbar – by sending your browser usage back to Alexa, and showing a websites Alexa Rank but it doesn’t take up a big section of your browser.
In case you are not aware of the differences between the Toolbar and the Status bar, here is the difference:
Alexa Toolbar
As you can see the toolbar is a full weight addition to your browser and does take up a considerable area inside the browser. It also shows you leading headlines and news stories across the internet. Similar to the Bing Bar, you are able to access your email through the toolbar buttons and also access your Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Alexa Status Bar
If you are only interested seeing Alexa Rank data for each site (as apposed to extra features like trending news, email, and social media integration) then the Alexa Status bar is probably a better option.
It also doesn’t take up a lot of room in your browser – I personally like to keep my browser uncluttered with as few extensions running to improve performance and speed.
It’s worth noting that both the Toolbar and Status Bar will send back your usage data to Alexa, which is important in my opinion making this product useful.