Facebook Suicide Help Service

Facebook announced this week that they would be providing a new way for US or Canadian members of the site to find help for friends that they suspect may be thinking of ending their lives. It works like this, you see a comment or status update that a friend has made that causes you concern. […]
Read More | ShareHow Twitter Effects Change

Following up from our earlier post today on Kyle Sandilands Trending on Twitter … Kyle Sandilands has put his foot in it again and the backlash has been swift. His comments about news.com.au journalist Ali Stephenson, who wrote an article reporting criticism of his TV show have made a big impact on the Australian public, and […]
Read More | ShareIs Social Media a Career Killer?

A lot has been said about the negative effects that social media can have on your career . An ill-timed tweet, an inappropriate Facebook photo, that video of you on YouTube dancing like crazy after having a few drinks; all of these can come back to haunt you later. There are a number of groups […]
Read More | ShareTwitter Breaks the News

In 2009 US Airways flight 1549 crashed in New York’s Hudson river. It took only four minutes before a tweet made by Jim Hanrahan (@Manolantern) alerted the public to what had happened. The media were considerably slower to respond, with 15 minutes elapsing before news outlets began reporting the story. This is not an isolated […]
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