Instagram’s Latest Update is Another Blow to Twitter

The other day I was updating the apps on my phone and noticed there was a new version of Instagram available.
I thought maybe there would be some new features or another filter added, but reading the update description it’s just a vague – bug fixes and other improvements.
Not that Instagram was ever really a buggy app, but further optimisation is always good.
Then last night I went to Tweet a photo, which used to be done by pressing the 3 dots in the lower right of each photo, but the Tweet option has disappeared.
Previously this option looked like this:
It’s not surprising Instagram/Facebook has made this change – it’s clear that the rivalry between Twitter and Facebook/ Instagram is only getting stronger, especially after Twitter recently launched their own ‘Video Instragram’ application called Vine, and previously Twitter adding filters to their mobile apps.
It also doesn’t make any sense for Facebook to be promoting their competitor, but it just goes to show there is much happening behind the scenes that you may not have realised.