LinkedIn Rolling Out New Functionality Allowing Users To Post Blog Articles
For some time LinkedIn has had their ‘Influencer Program’ where by leading business figures can post public broadcasts and blog posts on their profile. This was a good move by LinkedIn to vary their content base and capture unique opinion from business leaders all around the world.
LinkedIn have now announced that this functionality, called their Publishing Platform, will be coming to all users around the world. Initially the rollout is to an additional 25,000 users and we will keep you updated when this feature is widely available in Australia.
These users will be able to post blog articles to their LinkedIn profile, which can be shared across the site and other social networks.
The Publishing Platform has a number of features for users whereby they can manage comments, track stats on each post, and see the distribution of each post.
This is a new product, and it will be interesting to see how users around the world take advantage of it.
LinkedIn put together the following infographic explaining their Influencer Program and Publisher Platform: