Mitsubishi Australia goes Social and Viral
Mitsubishi Motors is promoting a new web advertising campaign.
Here is the statement we received from Mitsubishi Australia:
This morning thousand and thousands of Australians will receive the news that the ASX has crashed.
The ASX, for those who don’t know, stands not only for the Australian Stock Exchange, but also the Active Smart X-over, the brand new sub-compact SUV from Mitsubishi Motors.
They will view this video, that will be going live at 10:30am exactly. These people will think the stock exchange has crashed but will soon
realize it’s actually the video footage of the Mitsubishi ASX going through its crash safety test.
Be part of the biggest web prank in Australia and help us fool the Australian public by posting the link below to your site. to view.
Looking at the stats (goto: in your browser) it seems this social media campaign has gone viral and getting lots of hits around the country.
What are your thoughts on this campaign?