Best Free Facbook Page Creating Tools/ Builder?
So you want to build a snazzy Facebook page for your brand or business?
Where do you start?
You could install the FBML applications which lets you install HTML code on your Facebook page, but can be a long-winded task.
So lets looks at the Free Facebook Page creating tools available on the web.
1. Pagemodo – – this is probably the best application for this purpose, but does have ‘watermarking’ to promote Pagemodo.
2. Easy Page Creator – – this is a smart service, however the only issue is it will put ads on your page if you select the basic/free version.
3. Well I’ve looked and looked and can’t find anything decent.
Does anyone have any recommendations on a Free Facebook Page creating tool? Please let me know and I’ll add it to the list, which i am hoping becomes much more comprehensive.