Bing added to Opera Browser
Microsoft has completed a deal with rival internet browser Opera, making Bing one of the default search engines in the browser search field.
If you want to download the latest version of Opera 10.60 Beta goto:
Google will still remain as the Default search, but getting Bing infront of Opera users is a good win for Microsoft, although a small one.
Opera is the company that complained to EU regulators about Internet Explorer being bundled with Windows.
Safari 5 recently implement Bing as one of the default search providers in their browser, but still not the standard Default.
What about Mozilla Firefox? Don’t count on it just yet. Asa Dotzler from Mozilla recently urged Firefox users to switch to Bing after Google boss Eric Schmidt told the world that net privacy was only for miscreants – ie a villain or person without morals. There’s an even greater history of hostility between Mozilla and Microsoft. Hopefully they can mend this relationship.
Here is a screenshot of Bing in the new Opera Browser.
Interestingly enough, both Yahoo and Bing are available in the Chrome web browser – but of course Google is default.