Bing renews Search Deal with Twitter

on September 8, 2011 | Bing Twitter | Comments (0)

Bing and Twitter have renewed their realtime search agreement which allows Bing to index Twitter data and Tweets into their search engine.

In the past year, Twitter didn’t renew a similar agreement with Google, leaving Google to shut down their real time search engine.

This is a good win for Bing, and you can now see Microsoft has Facebook, and Twitter data being indexed, while Google has what? Not much.

It seems Twitter and Bing has a little flirt on Twitter 🙂 here is their dialogue:

@Twitter Been thinking about our last 2 yrs together. Instantly tapping into the wisdom of the Twitter community. Good times. ^bbless than a minute ago via Sprinklr Favorite Retweet Reply

@bing Totally! Search w/o Twitter = old news. You & @MSN are amazing at using Tweets to make search better & help people stay in the know.less than a minute ago via web Favorite Retweet Reply

@Twitter Let’s say we stick together and do bigger and better things? ^bbless than a minute ago via CoTweet Favorite Retweet Reply

@bing We’re in. Can’t wait for what comes next.less than a minute ago via web Favorite Retweet Reply

Reading between the lines I think we can all figure our what Twitter and Bing are saying.. Ooo this is going to get interesting..

David Correll : Editor and Founder of I also run a Social Media Agency where I do consulting work and Social Media Management. Connect with me: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook or contact me here. Alternatively, you can send me an email at


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