Bumping up your PHP memory in WordPress

WordPress has changed the way many of us create sites on the internet. Such an easy to use and customisable content management system (CMS) has turn many web-wannabe’s into WordPress developers.
The possibilities are pretty much endless now.
A problem I have always ran into is bumping up my apache server memory limit from 32MB to 64MB.
1. It’s a good idea to install the Memory Bump Plugin, this will enable you to see how much memory is currently being used by your site/setup – and displays in the footer of your administration panel.
2. You will need to tweak your php.ini file (or create one with notepad and to be placed in the root of your hosting account – public_HTML).
Add the following line of code:
memory_limit = 64M ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (64MB)
(you can define the memory limit to your liking/ what your host will allow)
3. Add the following line of code into your htaccess file
<Files .php.ini>
order allow,deny
deny from all
4. Also add the following line of code, again into your htaccess file:
suPHP_ConfigPath /home/USERNAME/public_html
Note: Make sure you change the USERNAME to the username of your webhosting account.
5. You may want to increase the permissable max file size you can upload to your hosting account/ server.
Simply drop the following lines of code into your php.ini file:
upload_max_filesize = 32M
post_max_size = 32M
I hope that is some help to you all. Any questions feel free to let me know.