Facebook Blocks Russian Roulette Style App That Has 1 In 6 Chance Of Deleting Your Account

on May 15, 2013 | Facebook | Comments (0)

socialrouletteOver the weekend a new Facebook Application went live – Social Roulette, which is a Russian Roulette style game that has a 1 in 6 chance of deleting your Facebook account, or social suicide as some are calling it.

Facebook was quick to find out about this application and claimed it didn’t meet their terms or policies –  since blocking Social Roulette’s API access rendering the app unusable. Facebook went on to comment – “We take action against apps that violate our platform policies as laid out, in order to maintain a trustworthy experience for our users.”

However the developers of the application are working hard to get access restored and are hopeful it will be fixed sometime this week.

When you played the game it had a 1 in 6 chance that all your posts, friends, apps, likes, photos, and games would be deleted. The app would then deactivate your account.

It has a 5 in 6 chance that nothing would happen, and it would simply post a message like this:

Image via

Image via

Funnily enough, Social Roulette did have a couple rules when playing the game:

  1. You can only use your own Facebook account.
  2. You can only play once per day.

This app certainly does take the hard work out of Deleting and Deactivating your Facebook account, which is a somewhat complicate task in itself. Many users find deleting their account difficult and give up on the task. This app takes out the hard work in deleting your Facebook profile.

“Everyone thinks about deleting their account at some point, it’s a completely normal reaction to the overwhelming nature of digital culture”, said the Social Roulette website.

“Is it time to consider a new development in your life? Are you looking for the opportunity to start fresh? Or are you just seeking cheap thrills at the expense of your social network? Maybe it’s time for you to play Social Roulette.”

This was certainly an interesting idea and we will update this article should Social Roulette get their access reinstated.

David Correll : Editor and Founder of I also run a Social Media Agency where I do consulting work and Social Media Management. Connect with me: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook or contact me here. Alternatively, you can send me an email at


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