Google says Microsoft is clever, smart and well funded

It is clear as crystal the battle between Google and Microsoft (with Apple in there too) in one of the internets great rivalries.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt has made comments on Microsoft’s entrance to the search market saying the software giant is ‘well-funded, smart and clever’.

Google holds a high majority of the search market worldwide, but Bing is putting in the resources and time to offer a long term viable competitor.

‘We have a strong competitor in Microsoft in our search base and Microsoft is competing globally in every market on search,” said Schmidt.

‘I think it’s very important to remember we have a competitor and they are extraordinarily well funded…they have a lot more cash on their balance sheet than we do.

‘The clear answer to your question is our primary competitor has been, is and I suspect will be, Microsoft – They’re well funded, they’re smart, they’re clever.’

Globally Google holds 90% of the search market with Yahoo 4.4% and Bing 3.6% (then a number of small players holding the remaining 2%)

However in the US a Microsoft / Yahoo alliance would mean they have 30% of the search market to Googles 65% +

Personally i am a long time Microsoft fan across a majority of their product ranges. There is no doubt Bill Gates has innovated and change the world we know today.

In saying I am also a great fan of the internet technologies and tools Google has developed for the web market.

Only time will tell how this plays out and it probably going to be the biggest battle on the internet (ever)?

David Correll : Editor and Founder of I also run a Social Media Agency where I do consulting work and Social Media Management. Connect with me: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook or contact me here. Alternatively, you can send me an email at


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