How to Encourage ReTweets

on November 9, 2011 | Twitter | Comments (0)

So you are an active Twitter user – you may have a blog or website and post your content to Twitter, or you may use Twitter in your job to connect with other industry professionals.

Search Engines now are placing importance on the number of ReTweets your Twitter status updates get. So if people are Tweeting your content – good! If people are actually ReTweeting your Tweets (which could be of your content) – even better!

Social Media SEO is always changing and this is just one key point you should be aware of.

So how can we encourage our Twitter Followers to ReTweet our tweets?

1. Post Educational Tweets

People are more likely to ReTweet factual information about the industry or profession they work in. Post Educational tweets such as how to articles, or guides as people will be more likely to interact and spread the knowledge to their network.

2. Ask them

If you have a particularly important piece of content you are promoting, make it clear and ask your followers to help you out by Retweeting your status updates.

3. ReTweet other Bloggers/ Twitter Users

Sometimes you need to help others out before they will help you. In this case find some heavy Twitter users in your niche/industry and ReTweet their content. This in turn may lead to them retweeting your updates.

Good Luck Tweeties!

David Correll : Editor and Founder of I also run a Social Media Agency where I do consulting work and Social Media Management. Connect with me: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook or contact me here. Alternatively, you can send me an email at


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