Mark Zuckerberg Reveals Facebook Home on Android [VIDEO]

on April 5, 2013 | Facebook | Comments (2)

Mark Zuckerberg and the team at Facebook have built a modified version of Android, so users can have Facebook’s social functions to built into the Android home screen. This new product is called Facebook Home.

This means that your Android home screen basically becomes your newsfeed. Users will be able to Like and Comment straight from their home screen.

The home screen also make it very easy to message your friends through a new chat feature called Chat Heads. The home screen also has live notifications.

This may not seem like a big deal to many, but for Android users this really delivers an enhanced Facebook experience that feels a lot more fluid and natural to using a native app.

Here is the video from Mark explaining this new product:

This ultimately gives Facebook a new platform to reach users on lower cost Android devices, which are becoming more and more popular – especially in the developing world. I’m sure Google would have been surprised by this announcement (and even though they are in fierce competition with Facebook, surely impressed). It’s worth noting Google still approves new features like this.

What Android phones does Home work on?

Home is available on:

  • HTC First
  • HTC One (Future)
  • HTC One X
  • HTC One X+
  • Samsung GALAXY S III
  • Samsung GALAXY S4 (Future)
  • Samsung GALAXY Note II

Home will become available from April 12th. More info here:

David Correll : Editor and Founder of I also run a Social Media Agency where I do consulting work and Social Media Management. Connect with me: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook or contact me here. Alternatively, you can send me an email at


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