Top 10 Tips to get ReTweeted

on December 6, 2011 | Twitter | Comments (0)

So you want more ReTweets? Want more Social Juice?

Google and Bing now add weight to Twitter profiles which get lots of ReTweets – this is social authority, and you want it.

Here is our Top 10 Tips to get ReTweeted:

  1. Have a clear profile picture of your face. Make sure this is a quality shot please, no dark light, sunglasses, weird backgrounds etc.
  2. Add a Twitter Profile background to your profile
  3. Make full use of your Bio and include links to your websites/ social profiles
  4. Write updates with words like: Top Tips, Free Tip, How To, My Opinion, Tutorial etc.
  5. Post in the morning around 10-11am, Monday to Wednesday are the most trafficked days
  6. Write positive centric updates, don’t be negative
  7. Include a link back to your site and appropriate hashtag if possible
  8. Include a picture within your Tweet if possible
  9. Aim for original and unique content
  10. Add your personality to the Tweet. Leave enough space so you can write your own thoughts at the end of the tweet (and for your followers to do the same thing).

Get these basics right, and you will be off to a good start in attracting Twitter users and more ReTweets. Good Luck.

David Correll : Editor and Founder of I also run a Social Media Agency where I do consulting work and Social Media Management. Connect with me: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook or contact me here. Alternatively, you can send me an email at


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