Welcome to the 1K Club

on March 9, 2012 | Blog | Comments (2)

Today marks kind of a special day for this blog.

This will be the 1000th post on the site.

I started this blog back in early 2010 and started posting articles in May 2010.

Why did I start

Well there were a couple of reasons:

1. Social Media was starting to gain real traction in Australia. Twitter use was getting higher and Facebook was well and truly cemented as the social juggernaut.

2. I noticed the domain was free, keyword rich and could possibly offer me a good base to start a blog.

3. My day to day work is in the online employment classifieds business, so branching out into a different niche is interesting, rewarding and refreshing.

Since starting this site I have learn’t a lot about social media. So much that I created my own Social Media Agency and have enjoyed doing work for clients across all industries. I have well and truly embraced the term ‘business blogging’.

I now only wish I had started the site even earlier.  I’ve been lucky enough to have a great team of contributors to the site who share their views.

As time has gone on and I just ‘keep at it’ – I have gained a fair amount of coverage across the press – radio, print, newspapers, magazines – I even got into the Australian Financial Review once.

From there I started doing speeches about social media to whoever wanted to hire me, and I am now a media partner for most social media events that occur in Australia. It’s now even got to the point where I organise my own Surry Hills Social Media Club events with social / digital media people in the area.

I’ve had a great time getting into this industry, and using my previous online experience coupled with social media, I have been able to boost and market my own businesses with great success.

I’d like to thank everyone for the support over the last 2 years – and of course I will keep on going! 🙂


David Correll : Editor and Founder of I also run a Social Media Agency where I do consulting work and Social Media Management. Connect with me: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook or contact me here. Alternatively, you can send me an email at


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