7 reasons why Foursquare will be successful
OK so we know Foursquare is a location-based service that allows users to check into venues, add tips and stay ‘intouch’ with friends.
But is there really a point, Why is Foursquare going to be successful?
1. Its fun to check in, be ‘seen’, become a mayor, gain points
2. You know where your friends are from their check-ins (via phones GPS)
3. Foursquare works with businesses – businesses can offer incentives for users to visit and ‘check-in’.
4. As a business you know who are your customers and people recommending your business virally.
5. Developers have integrated into the Foursquare API allowing people to submit photos or videos on their check-ins.
6. As a business you can conduct real customer research in real time.
7. This is social media and the real world colliding in a big way.
Foursquare has real revenue and marketing opportunities for businesses big and small.