Category: Foursquare
Foursquare Listens To Users, Reintroduces Check-In Feature (Kind Of)

Foursquare has finally listened to the large amount of feedback they are receiving about their new Swarm App. Users are frustrated and still want to use Foursquare to check-in to their favourite locations. Initially Foursquare totally removed the check-in feature from their app – forcing users to download and use Swarm app for check-ins. In […]
Read More | ShareFoursquare Removes Check-ins, Directs Users To New Swarm App

Lately there has been a lot of changes going on at Foursquare, as we see the company pivot into a new direction with their geo-location services and check-in features. Users will no longer be able to ‘check-in’ on the Foursquare app, they are instead directed to download the new app called Swarm which offers similar […]
Read More | ShareFoursquare Statistics – December 2011

Dennis Crowley, Foursquare Co-Founder and CEO has just released some interesting statistics about their geo-location mobile app. Stats include: 4 million check-ins per day 30 million venues world-wide 600,000 merchants using the business tools/ offers products 170,000,000 (170 million) API calls per day You can watch the full interview with Tech Blogger Robert Scoble at […]
Read More | ShareFoursquare reaches 15 Million Users

Foursquare has released some new stats, the geo-location service now has 15 million users – half of which are in the USA, the other half international users. In the last year Foursquare has gained 10 million new members. Growth in the US is strong, but in Australia I must admit I’m losing interest. Facebook places […]
Read More | Share4sqwifi iPhone App gets you Free Wifi

A new social mobile network is upon up. Yes a new one. Built on the Foursquare API, 4sqwifi is an iPhone app that lets you share Wifi Hotspots and their passwords with any member of the public. This is particularly useful if you are visiting a new city and need free Wifi access. What I […]
Read More | ShareNew Foursquare Badges

Foursquare is revamping their badge system over the next couple of weeks. Specifically there will be 24 new badges across a number of categories and the implementation of “levels”. Showing how active you are amongst a particular category, eg coffee stores, pubs, art galleries, shopping centres etc. The way these new badges work is as […]
Read More | ShareFoursquare now lets you check-in to Events

Foursquare has updated their system to allow users to now check-in to major events. Often you will goto the movies and check-in and type in what movie you are seeing, or you may check-in to a park with 50 other people, why? because you are at a big music festival. But if you didn’t know […]
Read More | ShareFoursquare makes Business Pages Self-Serve

Previously if you were a business and you wanted your own page on Foursquare (similar to a Facebook fan page) you specifically had to contact Foursquare and get access, which was a lengthy process usually only reserved for large brands. Foursquare have now opened up their API and you are able to goto the Foursquare […]
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