Alexa now ranking sites by Suburb

I was checking my Alexa Rank yesterday and noticed something new about the data summary that is displayed.
When you look up your Alexa Rank you get a summary of broad demographic information about your users, such as gender, age, and salary level.
I have noticed now that on my listing – Alexa is displaying information about how I rank in a particular surburb.
It specifically says: The site is relatively popular among users in the city of Potts Point (where it is ranked #4)
This is interesting. When you install the Alexa toolbar you are asked for your post code, and Potts Point being 2011.
So Alexa is suggesting I am the 4th most popular website visited in Potts Point, by Alexa users. I’m not entirely sure how accurate this is – as you would think Facebook, Google, Yahoo and YouTube would make up the top 4 anywhere in Australia, including Potts Point.
Regardless this is an interesting metric and one I will be following closely, and this could also be an interesting tool when viewing your competitors Alexa rank. In saying that I’ve looked at many other sites on Alexa and it’s not displaying any suburb or local information.
I will keep you updated if I find any more useful Alexa Tips. In the meantime if you are looking to increase your Alexa Rank – check out my post with 20 Awesome Tips to increase your Alexa Rank.