Facebook Mobile Advertising
Many people have said that Facebook missed out on Mobile Advertising and harnessing the power of their mobile users.
According to their SEC filing, Facebook has 425 million active monthly mobile users.
Do remember Facebook Deals and Facebook Places?
We wrote previously about Facebook Deals coming to Australia but only a handful of large companies have used the service.
Well I don’t think Facebook has missed out.
They have been building the mobile user base to an astounding number and are now in the position to introduce revenue generating products to these users.
So the questions I have been asking myself:
- When will Facebook bring ads to their mobile platform?
- Will we see a return and opening up of Facebook Places?
- Will we see a Facebook Deals become available to more businesses?
And what impact will this have on deal a day websites live GroupOn and Geolocation deal applications like Foursquare?
Only time will tell, but seeing as Facebook is going to IPO soon and they will have shareholders to impress – in my opinion it’s only a matter of time till we see new revenue generating products for Facebook mobile.