Social Media News Authors
I wanted to kick off the week with a post about the other Authors and Guest Bloggers on Social Media News Australia.
Believe it or not, it’s not just me writing posts on here 🙂
There are many other Authors posting articles, who all have expertise in the Social Media space.
You can check all the authors out here:
Check us out, follow on Twitter – read some more articles. Every author has their own writing style and it’s good to read varying content on social media.
If you are interested in Guest Blogging on – you can apply on our Guest Blogging Page. Tell us a bit about what you do for work, and what is your interest in Social Media. We are open to any articles with some relation to Social/ Digital/ Marketing/ Web – so the range of topics is very broad.
I like to promote all Authors/ Guest Bloggers on the site with a Bio and links to your own website/ social networking accounts. If you work in Social Media/ Digital/ Marketing we have a great community of readers – and this is a great medium to get your name out in front of a large audience.