Social Media Optimisation

on August 22, 2011 | Social Media | Comments (2)

Today I was doing some work for a client and I wanted to look over how to optimise your Social Media Profiles.

Social Media Optimisation – the term is fairly self-explanatory.

How can we optimise and improve our Social Media profiles to gain even more social traffic? which we can then refer onto our website or sales channel.

Here is our checklist when optimising your Social Channels:

1. SEO your Social Media profiles. There a few tricks and tips that can help you leverage more traffic from social networking sites, and also show you higher in social search engines. In my opinion concentrating your efforts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn is the first step in optimising your business profiles.

Check out out article on Social Media SEO.

2. If your website has any sort of Email Subscription, then you are most probably using to enhance and customise your websites RSS feed.

Over numerous sites – I have found the best way to encourage user interaction through your Email subscription is by:

  • Only showing a summary of your content/ articles in the feed, encouraging users to click through to your website or blog
  • Brand your emails with your company branding
  • If your business is overly ‘service’ orientated, create fixed footer links to sales and support channels on your website
  • Also in the footer of your email subscription incorporate links to your most popular Social Networking accounts

I have found ‘pretty-ing’ up the email subscription can bring enormous benefits and repeat, loyal traffic. With this site the second largest traffic referrer is actually my Daily Email subscription. Originally I didn’t think I could get much traffic from an email list, but I keep hearing the age old saying The Money is in the List – and yes it is certainly true.

3. Make sure the right content is going to your Social Networks.

If you are looking to try and sell a product – don’t just do status updates of your products with links to your online shop. Interact with your audience, ask them questions and then only occasionally slip in a sales link.

If you can portray yourself as an information source, with great customer service then people will be more likely to enquire and buy off you.

These 3 tips will help you start your Social Media Optimisation and reducing any leakage from your social marketing. We will have some more advanced tips for your soon.

David Correll : Editor and Founder of I also run a Social Media Agency where I do consulting work and Social Media Management. Connect with me: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook or contact me here. Alternatively, you can send me an email at


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