WordPress 3.1 Released
WordPress 3.1 was released last night.
New features include:
– redesigned linking workflow (makes linking to your other posts and pages easily).
– an admin bar in the header when viewing your site, allowing quick post/page creation. Initially I am not a big fan of this, but hey it might grow on me. There is an option to turn this off however under your profile settings.
– post formats, meta information used by themes
– network admin, moves the Super Admin menu out of the regular admin interface
– list-type admin screens, now sortable by column, better page navigation.
– exporter / importer, has been overhauled.
– advanced queries, something developers will find handy.
– custom content type improvements, again aimed at developers and more advanced functionality.
– refreshed blue admin color scheme
And it also looks like default WP theme, Twenty-10 has has an update aswell.
Don’t forget to check the WordPress upgrade tips when installing the new version.