Google Plus Profile & Page SEO

on November 18, 2011 | Google Plus SEO | Comments (1)

Would you like to learn how to Search Engine Optmise your Google Plus profile, and also Google+ Business Page?

By studying the data and mega tag information of your Google Plus profile and Business Page, there are a number of interesting conclusions we come to. The below points work for both a personal profile and also a Business Page on Google+.

1. Title Tag

Your name is the title of your Google Plus page.

EG: <title>YOUR NAME – Google+</title>

This will help your Google+ profile rank when someone runs a web search on your name.

2. Meta Description

The text just underneath your name, and also the Introduction section on your about tab makes up the Meta Description of your Google+ Profile.

Considering your have direct control over the information that goes into the Introduction tab of your profile, make this keyword rich about the work you do, your expertise, and include links to your websites.

There doesn’t seem to be a character limit for this field, so I am thinking I will update mine to cover a wider range of information.

3. DoFollow Links

Looking at all the links on your Google Plus profile, they are not nofollow links. Ie. technically Google does pass pagerank through these links. Therefore setup links to your sites, use keyword rich anchor text as this should bring you some SEO gain. Getting links from Google is surely going to help your SEO efforts.

There are various places on your Profile for adding your links:

We hope this gives you some insight to better Search Engine optimise your Google Plus profile and Company Page. If you are looking for tips on how to SEO your Facebook Fanpage, Twitter account and LinkedIn account, check out our previous article on Social Media SEO.

Feel free to add me on Google Plus here and Follow on Google Plus here:

David Correll : Editor and Founder of I also run a Social Media Agency where I do consulting work and Social Media Management. Connect with me: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook or contact me here. Alternatively, you can send me an email at


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