Social Media Revolution in Australia
BoxHill Institute in Melbourne, Australia is an education provider and Eric Qualman has put together a presentation on some key social media statistics in Australia and world-wide.
To summaries:
– Australia is the most prolific social media users in the world beating the USA and UK on a per capita basis.
– In the US, 1 out of 8 married couples met via social media.
– Globally there are now over 200 million blogs and 54% of these are updated daily
– The average Facebook user spends 55 minutes on the site per day, 6.50 hours on the site per week, 1.20 days on the site per month.
This is twice the time that the average Melbournian listens to the radio per month.
– 80% of Twitter usage is now on mobile phones
– 24 hours of video is uploaded to Youtube every minute
– In May 2009 Youtube become the 2nd largest search engine queried replacing Yahoo