The dos and don’ts when using social media post for your business

1. Stay professional
If you are using SM post for business purposes, keep things professional in the way you share your post. Always keep things relevant, business like but interesting, short and to the point.
2. Edit your post
Correct syntax, spell check before posting, as any error on a sentence will reflect poorly on your company.
3. Don’t over post
Don’t be posting every one hour. Few times in a single day is acceptable. Don’t over share your news and ideas on social media sites. Fans like many followers of your page will find this annoying if your post keeps showing on their page.
4. What to post
Exciting news of fresh promotional material your business have developed, news of an upcoming business event, videos and images that reflect what your business does. Overall, share ideas that will reflect your brand but is also appealing enough to viewers to want to engage in your discussion.
5. Keep it friendly
Always reply to comments left by people on your post. Even if just clicking the “Like” link on visitor’s comment on your Facebook site. But lest not forget, every reply needs to be kept professional.