Using Internal Linking & Keywords to Boost Page SEO

The other day I did a post on Link Building Strategies for your blog – both internal and external techniques to boost your blogs SEO.

Today I am going to look at 2 specific internal strategies to improve the SEO for selected pages on your blog:

1. Internal Linking
2. Keyword placement

Internal Linking

One of the best ways to get a certain page of yours found via the search engines for a given keyword, is to have links pointing to that page with the link text being that keyword.

Eg, say you have a page on Social Media.

If you can get links from other sites, and other pages within your site with the link text being ‘Social Media’ this will greatly improve the ranking of that page. In this case creating internal links is much easier and quicker than external links.

What is important is making sure that the pages linking to your page are related somehow – in this case related to Social Media. Having links from ‘related’ sites is favoured even more by the search engines.

When internal linking, do this from inside content/ articles, not navigation menus. The search engines place more importance on links inside articles than the navigation menus, sidebar links or footer links.

Keyword Placement

You want to get a certain page/ article ranking for a specific keyword. What is the best Keyword placement strategy to achieve this?

1. Put your primary keyword in the Post Title, Keyword, Tag and Description fields.

2. Use H1, H2, and H3 heading tags with your keyword throughout your article.

3. Bold your Keyword where appropriate.

4. If adding images to your article, name the image your keyword and also have a similar ALT tag on the picture.

5. Make sure the keyword is in the URL on this particular article. This is very important as search engines often look at the URL first to determine what the page content may be about.

When using these strategies – do so in moderation. If you are overusing keywords and H1 tags – you may over-optimise your page and any SEO gain will be negated. It will also be kind of obvious to your audience what you are trying to do.

David Correll : Editor and Founder of I also run a Social Media Agency where I do consulting work and Social Media Management. Connect with me: Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook or contact me here. Alternatively, you can send me an email at


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